Open Notepad and copy the below code and save as locker.bat. At first time start it will create folder with Locker automatically for u. Don't forget to change your password in the code its shown the place where to type your password.
after creation of Locker folder again click on the will Y then Locker folder will be disappeared. again to get it click on locker.bat. and give ur password u will get the folder again.
************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* *
title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020- 3AEA-1069- A2DD-08002B30309 D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020- 3AEA-1069- A2DD-08002B30309 D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020- 3AEA-1069- A2DD-08002B30309 D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020- 3AEA-1069- A2DD-08002B30309 D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020- 3AEA-1069- A2DD-08002B30309 D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Folder Lock without any S/W
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Password protetion to a file
Dear Freind
If you want to lock a file with a password then what you use ??????
Is it
Folder Lock or it may be any other 3rd-party unauthorized software????
Am i right?
I will Give you a better way
You can you use old win rar or win zip or even 7-zip software for this purpose
It is not something special with these software.
1) Right click on the file for which u want the password to b put.
2) Click on "Add to Archive".
3) Then go to Advanced tab.
4) Click on set password...choose new password.
5) Click ok.
6) A win rar file with ur filename will be created.
7) Next u may delete the original file, as u have now compressed it with a password.
8) Any1 trying to open the rar file wont be able to, unless he knows the password.
So, no need of folder lock software.
If any problem feel free to ask
If you want to lock a file with a password then what you use ??????
Is it
Folder Lock or it may be any other 3rd-party unauthorized software????
Am i right?
I will Give you a better way
You can you use old win rar or win zip or even 7-zip software for this purpose
It is not something special with these software.
1) Right click on the file for which u want the password to b put.
2) Click on "Add to Archive".
3) Then go to Advanced tab.
4) Click on set password...choose new password.
5) Click ok.
6) A win rar file with ur filename will be created.
7) Next u may delete the original file, as u have now compressed it with a password.
8) Any1 trying to open the rar file wont be able to, unless he knows the password.
So, no need of folder lock software.
If any problem feel free to ask
Securtiy Features of VISTA (BITLOCKER)
While you may have heard of BitLocker, what you may not know is that you don't need Trusted Platform Module to use it on your system.

BitLocker Drive Encryption is a new security feature integrated into the Windows Vista operating system that provides considerable protection to the OS and data stored on the operating system volume. BitLocker ensures that data stored on a computer running Windows Vista remains encrypted even if the computer is tampered with when the operating system is not running. This helps protect against "offline attacks" -- those made by disabling or circumventing the installed operating system, or by physically removing the hard drive to attack the data separately. In other words, attacks made when the system is not running.Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption provides increased security by encrypting everything on your hard drive: data, programs and even Windows itself. When you use BitLocker, your system is more difficult to tamper with, and thus you are better protected if your computer is ever lost or stolen. BitLocker does not replace the need to use a strong password and other vital security features, but it does make it much harder for anyone else to read the information stored on your hard drive.
BitLocker is designed for systems that have a compatible TPM microchip and BIOS. (A compatible TPM is defined as a version 1.2 TPM.) A compatible BIOS must support the TPM and the Static Root of Trust Measurement as defined by the Trusted Computing Group. When available, BitLocker uses a system's Trusted Platform Module (TPM) to provide enhanced protection for your data and to assure early boot component integrity. The chip performs a system integrity check -- a process that verifies your computer system has not been tampered with -- before unlocking your drive and allowing access to the data stored on it. This helps protect data from theft or unauthorized viewing by encrypting the entire Windows volume. Although the TPM interacts with BitLocker at system startup, its protection is transparent and the user logon experience is unchanged. However, if the TPM is missing or altered, or if the start-up information has changed, BitLocker will enter recovery mode and the user will be required to enter a recovery password to regain access to the data.A great thing about BitLocker is that even if you do not have a TPM 1.2 chip, you can still use the encryption it provides, but the system integrity checking enabled by the TPM will be unavailable.
For Details go to :
The biggest software counterfeiting bust in history
post originally penned by Alex Kochis over on the WGA blog
Earlier today the Chinese Public Security Bureau and the FBI announced the largest bust of counterfeit software manufacturing or distribution ever. The bust took place in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong and includes arrests that took place over the last couple of weeks. While the value of the software actually seized is estimated at about five hundred million dollars, we're estimating that the value of software produced and distributed over the last few years by this particular group is closer to two billion dollars.

Beyond the sheer size of the bust, the most exciting aspect for MS' WGA (Windows Genuine Advantage) team is knowing that WGA played a role in it. More than 1,000 customers in 12 different countries who had purchased counterfeits from this particular source used WGA to learn their software was counterfeit, submitted the counterfeits to Microsoft, and forensic and intelligence specialists then traced the counterfeits back to the criminal syndicate in China. Windows customers using WGA actually helped bring down the biggest software counterfeiting operation in history, as without their help, it's possible that this piracy operation would never have been apprehended.
The goal of WGA goal is not to punish the people who purchased these programs -- they are in fact victims -- but rather to give them a tool that both lets them know they have been victimized and a way to do something about it.
A little cloak-and-dagger for your afternoon :). The one on the left is the genuine article.
Earlier today the Chinese Public Security Bureau and the FBI announced the largest bust of counterfeit software manufacturing or distribution ever. The bust took place in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong and includes arrests that took place over the last couple of weeks. While the value of the software actually seized is estimated at about five hundred million dollars, we're estimating that the value of software produced and distributed over the last few years by this particular group is closer to two billion dollars.

The goal of WGA goal is not to punish the people who purchased these programs -- they are in fact victims -- but rather to give them a tool that both lets them know they have been victimized and a way to do something about it.
A little cloak-and-dagger for your afternoon :). The one on the left is the genuine article.
Make your folders totally invisible ...
Make your folders totally invisible ...
1)Make a new folder
2)Now rename the folder with a space(U have to hold ALT key and type 0160).
3)Now u have a folder with out a name.
4)Right click on the folder>properties>customize. Click on change icon.
5)Scroll a bit, u should find some empty spaces, Click on any one of ok
Thats it, it has become invisible .
Have a Fun!!!
10 things to make you proud to be an Indian
Considering that there are so many top 10 lists on reedit these days, I figure that I should write an optimistic piece about why Indians ought to be glad that they're Indian.
1. We are secular. Sure we have our ultra-right wing , but India is one place where you can scream, "I am an atheist", and not have anyone trouble you.
2. Our politicians aren't out attacking some other country. We don't also kid ourself about a higher moral standard. We're just as human as the rest. We've had our share of brutality, and now we'd like to leave that behind, thank you. We showed the world that brutality is not the solution. If you cannot win the war in a peaceful manner, you can certainly not win it with arms. A Gandhi figure in Africa would do wonders.
3. Our Delicious food. I often meet people who aren't from India but love our food. cooked right, Indian food is very healthy.
4. You don't need a car to get around. That means lower emissions, lesser trouble to mother Earth, and a quieter conscience. You don't need to drive to get from Bombay to Delhi: you don't even need to fly! You can take a train, and meet some colorful characters on the way. On more than one train journey strangers have invited me to an impromptu train party, complete with alchohol.
5. We've got a democracy. Not a very functional democracy, but atleast we elect the person at the top. Every person's vote is counted, and not by a machine that can be hacked by a chimp.
6. We know that we're poor, and we're trying to come out of it ourself. We aren't begging for aid, we aren't pleading for support. Let us study, let us work, and we'll provide for our own people. We've got a lot of poverty, but you won't hear of a "Fund for India" anytime soon.
7. We love education. Everyone values education. Hindus even have a goddess of education. Parents tell their kids that education is the difference between misery and prosperity. And not the kind of education that says the Earth is 7000 years old. We study in real schools.
8. Families exist. Parents don't get divorced as often. Children are brought up in a stable family of both parents, sometimes with a supporting cast of uncles and aunts. I love my brother, sister, my parents.
9. We waste very little. Bags are reused. Bottles are reused. Clothes are given to younger members of the extended family, or to household helpers, or exchanged for utensils. newspapers are thinner (though just as pointless), we abhor wastage of food. Things aren't packaged in kilos of plastic, made of stronger material than bomb-shelters. Vegetables are sold fresh, and you bring your own bag. We don't put monthly carpets of grass on our lawns to make neighbors jealous.
10. The law doesn't dictate personal freedom. Abortions are legal, for good reasons. Drugs like cocaine are illegal, but it is unlikely to get persecuted just for this, unless you're into other stuff as well. Alchohol drinking is permitted at 18, though it is no big deal to get it when you're 12, or 10. Indians don't binge drink when they turn 18, because they can choose to binge drink at 10. Even tobacco isn't made into a big deal, so it isn't. If people choose to smoke, they can start as early as they want. This takes the sparkle off. Homosexuality is still technically illegal, but it is unheard of to persecute anyone for it in the way Alan Turing was persecuted.
1. We are secular. Sure we have our ultra-right wing , but India is one place where you can scream, "I am an atheist", and not have anyone trouble you.
2. Our politicians aren't out attacking some other country. We don't also kid ourself about a higher moral standard. We're just as human as the rest. We've had our share of brutality, and now we'd like to leave that behind, thank you. We showed the world that brutality is not the solution. If you cannot win the war in a peaceful manner, you can certainly not win it with arms. A Gandhi figure in Africa would do wonders.
3. Our Delicious food. I often meet people who aren't from India but love our food. cooked right, Indian food is very healthy.
4. You don't need a car to get around. That means lower emissions, lesser trouble to mother Earth, and a quieter conscience. You don't need to drive to get from Bombay to Delhi: you don't even need to fly! You can take a train, and meet some colorful characters on the way. On more than one train journey strangers have invited me to an impromptu train party, complete with alchohol.
5. We've got a democracy. Not a very functional democracy, but atleast we elect the person at the top. Every person's vote is counted, and not by a machine that can be hacked by a chimp.
6. We know that we're poor, and we're trying to come out of it ourself. We aren't begging for aid, we aren't pleading for support. Let us study, let us work, and we'll provide for our own people. We've got a lot of poverty, but you won't hear of a "Fund for India" anytime soon.
7. We love education. Everyone values education. Hindus even have a goddess of education. Parents tell their kids that education is the difference between misery and prosperity. And not the kind of education that says the Earth is 7000 years old. We study in real schools.
8. Families exist. Parents don't get divorced as often. Children are brought up in a stable family of both parents, sometimes with a supporting cast of uncles and aunts. I love my brother, sister, my parents.
9. We waste very little. Bags are reused. Bottles are reused. Clothes are given to younger members of the extended family, or to household helpers, or exchanged for utensils. newspapers are thinner (though just as pointless), we abhor wastage of food. Things aren't packaged in kilos of plastic, made of stronger material than bomb-shelters. Vegetables are sold fresh, and you bring your own bag. We don't put monthly carpets of grass on our lawns to make neighbors jealous.
10. The law doesn't dictate personal freedom. Abortions are legal, for good reasons. Drugs like cocaine are illegal, but it is unlikely to get persecuted just for this, unless you're into other stuff as well. Alchohol drinking is permitted at 18, though it is no big deal to get it when you're 12, or 10. Indians don't binge drink when they turn 18, because they can choose to binge drink at 10. Even tobacco isn't made into a big deal, so it isn't. If people choose to smoke, they can start as early as they want. This takes the sparkle off. Homosexuality is still technically illegal, but it is unheard of to persecute anyone for it in the way Alan Turing was persecuted.
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